Music Together

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Mixed Age Classes

Toddlers learn by watching others and by playing and experimenting. Just imagine how much they could learn in a music class where children from birth to age 5 are all participating at their own levels—singing, moving, listening, observing, and exploring musical instruments in a welcoming and supportive environment. Our Mixed-age Class is just right for your toddler. And here’s why.

Child development researchers have found that grouping together children of varying ages fosters natural, family-style learning. The hallmark of the Music Together program, our Mixed-age Class gives children the environment they need to grow musically while interacting both socially and musically with peers of different ages. Younger children enjoy watching and imitating older ones; older children learn by leading younger ones; and adults are happy because their children can go to class together. And any or all of your child’s caregivers—parents, grandparents, nannies—can come share in the experience, both in class and at home. The whole family is welcome!