Here are a few fun ways to add music to your everyday activities:
• Sing your bedtime stories: Belt out classic picture books, such as Five Little Ducks or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
• Make your own musical: When I’m talking to my kids, I often speak in song to make it more fun.
• Play a round of car karaoke: Find a song that everyone can sing along to (and they won’t notice the length of the car ride).
• Add a song to children’s routines: Create fun, silly songs to sing while brushing their teeth, cleaning up their toys and getting dressed for school.
• Try soothing spa music before bed: This will help children relax as they wind down.
• Tour a music store: Head down to your local shop and view the varied instruments.
• Mix it up in the kitchen: Grab a pot and wooden spoon to help them practice drumming a beat.